News + insights

Pacific Environment announces new California climate policy director 

Pacific Environment welcomes Davina Hurt as its new California Climate Policy Director, effective January 30, 2025. Prior to joining Pacific Environment, Davina Hurt was appointed to the California Air Resources Board by Governor Gavin Newsom in December 2020 and served on the board for more than four years. Ms. Hurt is an attorney, two-term councilwoman and past mayor of the City of Belmont, Calif. With expertise in transportation, energy, waste management and stationary sources, Davina Hurt is dedicated to addressing environmental and social challenges through equity, innovation and bold community leadership.

Pacific Environment Celebrates Introduction of Washington Statewide Shore Power Policy Bill

The landmark bill will direct the Department of Ecology to adopt a statewide shore power policy that will accelerate shore power installation across the state to reduce air pollution and other environmental impacts from large vessels at Washington’s ports.

Poison in the water: The call to ban scrubber discharge

The report underscores the substantial environmental and human health costs of unrestricted scrubber use, and highlights the economic, ecological and human health consequences of inaction. Without a ban on the use of scrubbers and the discharge of scrubber wastewater, or a mandate to use cleaner distillate fuels, ecosystems, ocean resources and coastal communities will continue to be threatened and human health risks will increase.

EPA approves partial waiver for commercial harbor craft, clearing the air for millions of Californians and catalyzing technology innovation

This regulation paves the way for zero-emissions harbor craft such as ferries, tugboats and workboats. This rule will significantly improve the air  Californians living by the ports breathe and is yet another action by the state of California to address toxic emissions at the ports.

Washington Voters Protect Climate Commitment Act

On November 5, 2024, voters in Washington defeated a ballot initiative that would have repealed the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), the market-based cap-and-invest program requiring the state’s largest polluters to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. More than 575 organizations in a diverse coalition including labor, Tribal, environmental and business stakeholders joined together to protect the CCA.

Biden-Harris administration announces recipients of the Clean Ports Program Grants

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the recipients of the Clean Ports Program Grants. These grants were made possible under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 which provided $3 billion to fund zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure as well as climate and air quality planning for U.S. ports. 

Port of Seattle becomes first U.S. port to require 100% of cruise vessels to use shore power

The Port of Seattle became the first port in the nation to independently require that 100% of all cruise vessels homeported in Seattle be shore power capable and utilize shore power. The order passed by the Port of Seattle Commission yesterday takes effect in the 2027 cruise season, three years before the Port’s previous goal of 2030 of universal shorepower use.   

Organizations to Mayor Bass: Deliver on Campaign Commitments and Champion AQMD’s Clean Port and Rail Rules 

The groups held the “die-in” to highlight the urgency of Mayor Bass championing the Air Quality Management District (AQMD)’s upcoming Port and Rail Indirect Source Rules to cleanup harmful fossil-fueled ship, rail, and port emissions that have adversely affected the health of environmental justice communities in Los Angeles and Long Beach for far too long. The advocates also testified during the city council meeting. 

EPA announces billions of dollars in funding for the Clean Ports Program

EPA is releasing two separate Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) as part of the $3 billion. The nearly $2.8 billion Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition will directly fund zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure to reduce mobile source emissions at U.S. ports. Eligible uses of funding include human-operated and maintained zero-emission cargo handling equipment, harbor craft and other vessels, electric charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure, and a number of other technology investments.

Mayor Hernandez-Thorpe signs first-ever pledge towards a fossil-free Antioch

Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe made a world-leading commitment to reject public investments in new, renewed, fossil fuel infrastructure in Antioch and steer the city toward timely climate mitigation and resilience. 

Puget Sound Energy withdraws controversial Liquified Natural Gas permit

Last Friday, the City of Tacoma sent out a press statement announcing that Puget Sound Energy had requested to withdraw its permit and cancel the associated building permit for the proposed controversial Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) plant on Tacoma’s Tideflats.

Pacific Environment welcomes Ports of Singapore, Los Angeles, Long Beach Partnership plan, calls for increased ambition

Today, at the U.N. Climate Change Conference, the Ports of Singapore, Los Angeles and Long Beach announced a Partnership Strategy for a green and digital shipping corridor across the Pacific Ocean. This partnership builds on the prior commitments made by the United States and Singapore which was formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding by the ports during Singapore Maritime Week in April 2023.

Green Shipping Community Workshop Draws A Crowd

The nonprofit organizations Pacific Environment and C40 Cities, in cooperation with the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, hosted a Green Shipping Community Workshop today. The community event drew 90 participants and provided information on global and local shipping sector decarbonization initiatives, showcased a panel discussion with local leaders about their vision for a cleaner and greener port, and facilitated a question and answer session for the community to engage with the panelists. 

Smoky cargo ship entering container harbor.
Groups Applaud EPA’s Action to Curb Ship Pollution at California’s Ports

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the California Air Resources Board (CARB) waiver request for the At-berth ocean going vessel rule. This regulation is a first step towards ending fossil-fueled shipping in California waters and at the ports. The At-berth regulation is essential to reducing air pollution in California and protecting the health of millions of Californians who are most impacted by emissions from diesel-powered ships.

Pacific Environment applauds Cliff Rechtschaffen’s appointment to the California Air Resources Board

On September 27, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Cliff Rechtschaffen to the California Air Resources Board. Previously, Rechtschaffen has served as a Commissioner on the California Public Utilities Commission since 2017. He also served as a Senior Advisor on Climate and Energy in the Office of Governor Brown from 2011 to 2017.

With an Executive Order President Biden can take meaningful action to eliminate shipping emissions and advance environmental justice

In a letter sent to President Biden on World Maritime Day, 32 organizations called for an Executive Order to decarbonize maritime shipping. The Biden administration has already made significant commitments to eliminate emissions from the shipping industry, as well as to accelerate the development of zero-emission fuels and technologies and advance environmental justice. While the administration can achieve many of these commitments through legislation, the groups say, “there are critical actions that could be taken immediately through executive action.” 

Ports for People applauds Transpacific green shipping corridor and urges Ports to set mandatory decarbonization deadlines

In voluntary partnership with major shipping lines and cargo owners, the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Shanghai released a Green Shipping Corridor Implementation Plan Outline to accelerate emissions reductions on a key transpacific trading route.

San Pedro Bay Ports’ 2022 Air Emissions Inventories reveal increased planet-heating greenhouse gas pollution from pre-pandemic levels

This month, the United States’ largest port complex, comprised of the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and Port of Long Beach (POLB), released their annual air emissions inventories for 2022, tracking air and climate pollutants across all logistics sectors of the ports, including ocean-going vessels, harbor craft, cargo handling equipment, locomotives and heavy-duty vehicles.

Gov. Newsom at podium by Gage Skidmore
Pacific Environment Applauds Gov. Newsom’s Action on Fossil Fuels

Today, in front of the United National Climate Ambition Summit hosted by UN Secretary-General, Governor Gavin Newsom highlighted California’s climate action and called out the oil and gas industry for their “continued lies.”

Parent and child overlooking a busy cargo container harbor.
Ports for People Celebrates First Anniversary, Shipping and Ports Wins

The Ports for People campaign is celebrating its first anniversary. The campaign was launched in September 2022 alongside a Ports for Zero-Emission Shipping Playbook to provide guidance for ports working towards a zero-emission future. 

Pacific Environment 2023 Grant Application

We are very excited to announce that our 2023 Grant Application is now live. Through this grant opportunity, Pacific Environment aims to fund multi-level organizations, including community-based groups, environmental justice organizations, and environmental organizations.

Gov. Newsom at podium by Gage Skidmore
Pacific Environment Commends Governor Newsom for Action on Shipping, Port Decarbonization

Governor Gavin Newsom and The Honorable Dr. Kevin Rudd, Australia’s Ambassador to the United States, announced a new climate partnership between California and Australia.

Accelerating a just, equitable and sustainable transition by supporting U.S. rail workers

The climate crisis threatens the lives and livelihoods of people around the world, with a heavy burden falling on the shoulders of working-class communities. To advance a just, equitable and sustainable transition, it is imperative to support working-class communities and labor groups.

Cargo ship port in Malaysia
Port of Long Beach Leaders Tout Climate-Heating LNG Ship during Hottest Month in Recorded History

Pasha Hawaii’s second liquefied natural gas (LNG) ship, the MV Janet Marie, made its first voyage from Long Beach to Honolulu over the weekend. Leaders celebrated this ship, overlooking the fact that this decision will lock Long Beach into decades of additional fossil-fuel pollution during a dire moment of climate emergency.

Community Leaders and Policymakers Unite for ‘For Our Lives’ Rally and Press Conference in Los Angeles, Calling for End to Fossil-Fueled Ship Pollution
Community Leaders and Policymakers Unite for ‘For Our Lives’ Rally and Press Conference in Bay Area, Calling for End to Fossil-Fueled Ship Pollution
44 Lawmakers ‘Sound the Alarm’ on Threat of LNG Expansion

The senators and representatives signed a letter calling on the Biden administration’s Council on Environmental Quality to give “greater scrutiny” to the LNG supply chain from wellhead to shipping overseas.

Smoky cargo ship entering container harbor.
Pacific Environment, Braid Theory launch Zero-Emission Shipping Accelerator and Venture Studio at Ignite 22

Pacific Environment and Braid Theory announced a partnership to launch the “Zero-Emission Shipping Venture Studio” to support innovative technologies and solutions to achieve zero emission shipping and maritime decarbonization. The announcement occurred at AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles during Braid Theory’s annual Ignite22 Global Tech Showcase, a conference that brings together entrepreneurs, innovators, and future thinkers to explore the blue tech industry with exhibits and demonstrations on land and in the water.

Pacific Environment and Korean Maritime Institute Sign MOU to Accelerate Zero-Emission Shipping and Ports

During the 2023 World ESG Forum, Pacific Environment and The Korea Maritime Institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining a vision of multi-year collaboration to accelerate zero-emission shipping and ports in the Republic of Korea, across Asia, and globally. The MoU Signing Ceremony occurred during the 2023 World ESG Forum in Jeju, Republic of Korea, titled “Human Dignity through ESG.”

California Leads Nation on Protections from Truck and Rail Pollution With New Zero Emissions Standards

Two new rules from California will shift all trucks sales and all locomotives operating in California to zero emissions, delivering a staggering $58 BILLION in health benefits to Californians.

Wall of colorful stacked cargo containers.
Vancouver is Awesome Article: Delta LNG plant fits in new energy framework: FortisBC

Of the five liquefied natural gas projects in B.C. that are either under construction or in the environmental review process, two will need to pass a new provincial sniff test for greenhouse gas intensity.
One of them is FortisBC’s Tilbury Island LNG plant expansion in Delta, which is still working its way through the BC Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) review process. The other is the much larger Ksi Lisims project in Prince Rupert.

Gov. Newsom at podium by Gage Skidmore
Groups blast Governor Newsom, California Air Resources Board for rolling back life-saving, in-port public health regulations implemented 16 years ago
Wall of colorful stacked cargo containers.
Clean Air Action Plan Update Surfaces Long Simmering Concerns

Read excerpts of Pacific Environment’s Dawny’all Heydari’s statements made at the latest Clean Air Action Plan update meeting, and click on the link to read the full article in Random Length News.

Pacific Environment applauds first-ever Ocean Climate Action Plan

The Biden administration released a first-ever Ocean Climate Action Plan. Ocean-based solutions include, but are not limited to: green shipping, blue carbon, biodiversity conservation and protection, ecosystem protection and restoration, nature-based solutions, marine renewable energy, ocean-based carbon dioxide removal and sequestration, climate-ready aquaculture and fisheries, and other ocean-climate related actions.

Sun setting over smoggy shipping container harbor.
Ports for People Applauds Los Angeles and Tokyo, Yokohama Green Shipping Corridors

The Port of Los Angeles has entered into separate Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) with the Port of Tokyo and the Port of Yokohama to formalize their collaboration on sustainability and environmental issues at the ports. The MOUs were finalized during the 2023 California Japan Clean Energy Trade Mission.

Ports for People Applauds New California-Japan Collaboration on Green Ports, Shipping

The governments of California and Japan announced a new collaboration to clean up pollution at seaports, commercialize zero-emission fuels and maritime technologies, and establish green shipping corridors. The Letter of Intent was signed in Tokyo on Tuesday by leadership of the Governor Newsom administration of California and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (“the Ministry”).

Singapore’s Ministry of Transport Announces Clean Harbor Craft Rules

Senior Minister of State for Transport Mr. Chee Hong Tat announced at the Ministry of Transport Committee of Supply Debate that: “From 2030, new harbor craft operating in our port waters must be fully electric, be capable of using B100 biofuels, or be compatible with net zero fuels such as hydrogen.”

Busy cargo container storage harbor.
State of California Signals Need for Additional Measures to Tackle Toxic Pollution from Ocean-Going Vessels

Today, California’s chief climate and air pollution regulator released a report on the status of the state’s world-first regulation to end in-port pollution from fossil fuel vessels. The report by California Air Resources Board (CARB) shows the continued success of the state’s in-port pollution regulation in protecting California port and coastal communities from significant fossil fuel pollution by requiring certain vessels to plug into shorepower while docked at ports.

Ports for People Launches Inaugural RePORT Cards for Shipping Ports

During the 2023 World ESG Forum, Pacific Environment and The Korea Maritime Institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining a vision of multi-year collaboration to accelerate zero-emission shipping and ports in the Republic of Korea, across Asia, and globally. The MoU Signing Ceremony occurred during the 2023 World ESG Forum in Jeju, Republic of Korea, titled “Human Dignity through ESG.”

Governor Newsom and leaders from the Pacific Coast Collaborative recommit to bold climate action
West Coast Governors Newsom, Inslee, Brown and B.C. Premier Horgan’s Climate Partnership Sets Sights on Port Electrification and Maritime Decarbonization

California Governor Newsom, Oregon Governor Brown, Washington Governor Inslee, and British Columbia Premier Hogan signed a new Statement of Cooperation (SOC), including a new initiative to pursue zero-carbon shipping and to decarbonize port equipment and operations.

Sun setting over smoggy shipping container harbor.
UK legal obligations on international shipping

Emissions from the UK’s international shipping activities make up more than half of the UK’s total maritime emissions. However, the UK is proposing only to regulate emissions from the domestic fleet, stating in the recent Course to Zero consultation that responsibility for regulating international emissions lies with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

Wall of colorful stacked cargo containers.
Climate experts call on the US and China to work together on reducing emissions from flights and ships

Climate experts at a Thursday evening webinar urged China and the US to work together to reduce carbon emissions from ship and airplane traffic.

Smoky cargo ship entering container harbor.
Ports can accelerate zero-emission ocean shipping transition, new report shows

Ports need to accelerate action in the race to a zero-emission ocean shipping future, environmental organisations Pacific Environment and Opportunity Green said in a new playbook released in connection with Climate Week NYC 2022.

Parent and child overlooking a busy cargo container harbor.
Pacific Environment, Opportunity Green release ports playbook for zero-emission ocean shipping
Parent and child overlooking a busy cargo container harbor.
How ports can right the ship on industry pollution, emissions

In this critical moment for climate action, ports have an opportunity — and a responsibility — to right the ship and move the industry onto a trajectory commensurate with the climate emergency.

Parent and child overlooking a busy cargo container harbor.
3 ways the new climate law will help clean up dirty US ports

The Inflation Reduction Act includes $3 billion to slash pollution from ports by electrifying machinery, plugging ships into the grid and more.

Parked cargo container ship next to a port neighborhood.
Port of Rotterdam and MPA Singapore announce largest green and digital corridor

Efforts are underway to form the world’s longest green corridor to enable low and zero carbon shipping between the hubs of Singapore in the Far East and Rotterdam in Europe.

Sun setting over smoggy shipping container harbor.
Svitzer tugs reduce CO2 emissions by slow steaming to and from jobs

The shipping industry is discussing slow steaming as a means of reducing emissions and beginning to meet CO2 reduction targets for long-distance ocean routes. Now comes word from A.P. Moller-Maersk’s tugboat operations, Svitzer, that it has been able to achieve similar results for its tugboats during a trial program that they are rolling out across the global fleet.

Busy cargo container storage harbor.
Cargo ships are notoriously dirty. A new bill aims to clean them up.

The Clean Shipping Act, proposed this week in Congress, would curb CO2 pollution from shipping and accelerate the adoption of nascent technologies.

Smoky cargo ship entering container harbor.
Ports must lead, not follow, shipping’s decarbonisation

Decarbonisation is the task of the decade for the global shipping industry. This month alone, conferences in Copenhagen, Athens, Rotterdam and Montreal, and a meeting at the International Maritime Organization, have been hosting discussions on how to reduce and eliminate the shipping industry’s climate-warming pollution.

Sun setting over cargo container storage harbor.
Sparky, the world’s first full sized, electric tugboat, starts operating in Auckland

Ports of Auckland has welcomed a new addition to its fleet, with the arrival of the world’s first full size, ship-handling electric tug. Named Sparky, as voted by New Zealanders in a public vote in 2020, the e-tug ought to result in the saving of approximately 465 tonnes of CO2 in diesel emissions annually and marks another important step on the port’s plans to be totally emissions free by 2040.

Parent and child overlooking a busy cargo container harbor.
Port communities affected by pollution

Study finds 3.8% average methane slip from LNG carrier on roundtrip from US to Belgium. But about 8% of all LNG sent to the smaller generator engines ends up in the atmosphere.

Parked cargo container ship next to a port neighborhood.
‘This Is terrifying’: Explosion at Texas gas plant spotlights threat of LNG industry

“We shouldn’t have to live in fear just so gas executives like Michael Smith can get rich,” said one local resident, referring to Freeport LNG’s CEO.

Parked cargo container ship next to a port neighborhood.
Methane much more sensitive to global heating than previously thought – study

Greenhouse gas has undergone rapid acceleration and scientists say it may be due to atmospheric changes

Parked cargo container ship next to a port neighborhood.
Methane At Sea: Finding the invisible climate killer, so-called “green” (LNG) ships

Infrared images show unburned methane – a potent greenhouse gas – being released from supposedly ‘green’ LNG ships, a damning new investigation by Transport & Environment (T&E) shows. European politicians are playing with fire in their support for LNG, says T&E, with methane over 80 times more climate warming than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.

Parked cargo container ship next to a port neighborhood.
Rapid expansion of US LNG comes with climate costs: environmental group

The likelihood that more US liquified natural gas projects will be built because of the war in Ukraine should prompt US regulators to pay closer attention to the potential climate impacts, according to a report from an environmental advocacy group.

Smoky cargo ship entering container harbor.
Methane leaks make LNG-powered ships dirtier than other vessels

Methane leaks from ships using liquefied natural gas as fuel make most of the vessels dirtier than ones using diesel or heavy fuel oil, a new analysis shows.

Sun setting over smoggy shipping container harbor.
Editorial: Port pollution is surging. Let regulators do their job to protect public health.

Southern California still suffers the nation’s worst-polluted air but it also has a decades-long record of success in fighting smog, which has been achieved largely through stringent regulation, not by cutting deals with polluters. AQMD leaders have shown with recently adopted rules on oil refineries and warehouse logistics centers that they have the authority and political will to take meaningful action against some of the region’s most powerful industries. They can and should do the same with the ports.

Wall of colorful stacked cargo containers.
A.P. Moller – Maersk accelerates Net Zero emission targets to 2040 and sets milestone 2030 targets

A.P. Moller – Maersk (Maersk) announces new aspiring emissions targets expected to align the company with the Net Zero criteria of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) pathway to limit global warming to 1.5°C. They include a societal commitment to act now and drive material impact in this decade, and a commitment to deliver net zero supply chains to customers by 2040.