Ports + policymakers

Together with their government partners, ports have the power to transform port infrastructure and accelerate the transition to zero-emission shipping.

Resources – ports + policymakers

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Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Port Electrification Handbook

The Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity created the Port Electrification Handbook to aid maritime ports in their clean energy transition.

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Twenty-seven organizations oppose ABX2-3

Twenty-seven organizations sent a letter to Chair Petrie-Norris and Committee members on September 25, 2024 opposing ABX2-3 because it would weaken standards that protect Californians from air pollution and climate change.

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New Report Provides Ports Pathways to Decarbonization, Environmental Justice

A new report from Environmental Defense Fund and Arup shows how adopting a zero-emission strategy for supply chains and energy systems both on and off port terminals is beneficial to the climate, surrounding communities’ health, and operators’ bottom lines. It also acts as a roadmap for those interested in applying for federal funding, including the $3 billion available through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Ports Program, announced last week.

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Ports for People Ordinance

Pacific Environment’s “Ports for People” Ordinance seeks to establish provisions and procedures to immediately reduce and eliminate air quality pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from cargo ships, and achieve a 100% zero-emission standard for cargo shipping by no later than 2040.

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Open letter to Australia’s new elected officials urging a transition to electric ferries

Pacific Environment wrote a letter to Australia’s new elected officials to urge New South Wales to transition to electric ferries, starting with the Parramatta ferries. In a decade of climate emergency, we cannot continue relying on dirty diesel technologies.

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México se encuentra en una posición estratégica a nivel mundial, ya que sus puertos del Golfo de México, Mar Caribe y del Pacífico y el transporte marítimo permiten la importación y exportación de bienes y son uno de los principales motores de crecimiento económico, ya que generan empleos y oportunidades para las ciudades aledañas, así como para muchas regiones del país.

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Coalition support letter to the California Air Resources Board

Coalition letter: California Air Resources Board’s Ocean Going Vessel At Berth Interim Evaluation Report and the Need for an Advanced Clean Ship Rule

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Ports Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping

Ports are the hubs of world trade but also centers of concentrated pollution from ships. Science shows us that the 2020s are the critical decade for climate action and, with ships having an average lifespan of 20-30 years, decarbonization of shipping needs to begin immediately. Read our 9-point playbook to take action.

California Must Phase out the Dirtiest Ships & End Fossil Fueled Shipping by 2040 to Save Lives

Ships are among the worst polluters in California. Ship pollution contributes to an estimated 3,700 premature deaths each year in California. Overall, if ocean shipping were a country, it would be the sixth largest polluter behind Germany. This is why we need ocean ships to move off fossil fuels, stop polluting our ports, and for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to commit to zero-emission shipping by 2040.

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Ports for People RePORT Cards

Ports for People is on a mission to end port and ship pollution. Our Ports Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping details nine actions that ports can take to accelerate the transition to zero-emission shipping by 2040. By implementing these bold commitments, progressive policies and immediately actionable progress steps, ports can ignite a chain reaction in the shipping supply chain to build and deploy zero-emission vessels. But to move forward, we must know our starting point.

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Mission Innovation’s Green Shipping Corridor Route Tracker

Since the launch of the Clydebank Declaration in November 2021 a number of green shipping corridor efforts have been launched. Read Mission Innovation’s green shipping corridor route tracker to learn more about these efforts and their progress.

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“Building on green shipping corridors: International blocs for zero-emission shipping” by Allyson Browne, Pacific Environment

This paper assesses the scalability of port-to-port green shipping corridors and suggests a collaborative model to build on corridor development. In addition to corridors, nations, sub-nationals and their ports can align with regional partners to create international blocs of high ambition ports. By leveraging economic buying power and public-private investments and aggregating demand for renewable electricity and zero-emission (ZE) fuels, regional alliances can develop infrastructure at scale, create clusters for innovation and promote rapid deployment of ZE ships.

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Letter to LNG Bunkering Summit Speakers

On behalf of the Ports for People campaign to end port and ship pollution and coalition of campaign partners, we strongly urge you to withdraw your speaking commitments, sponsorship and attendance at the LNG Bunkering North American Summit in Washington, D.C. on November 15-17, 2022. In the face of inextricably linked climate, ecological and public health crises, we must stop investing in and supporting fossil fuels and
fossil fuel infrastructure at our ports – including liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering.

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November 2022 Letter to Executive Director Mario Cordero

On behalf of our Ports for People campaign to end port and ship pollution, we strongly urge you to withdraw your speaking commitment and attendance for the LNG Bunkering North American Summit in Washington, D.C. on November 17, 2022. In the face of inextricably linked climate, ecological and public health crises, we must stop investing in and supporting fossil fuels and fossil fuel infrastructure – including liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering at the Port of Long Beach.

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Ports Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping (CHINESE version)


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Ports Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping (SPANISH version)

Nuestro manual de estrategias de 9 puntos desafía a los puertos a tomar medidas ambiciosas en tres líneas de esfuerzo, con un enfoque en compromisos audaces, políticas progresistas y progreso demostrable.

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Ports Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping (FRENCH version)

En tirant parti de l’autorité de l’État du port et de son pouvoir économique, et en collaborant avec les partenaires gouvernementaux et les acteurs du secteur, les ports peuvent jouer un rôle de premier plan en tant que catalyseurs de la transition vers un transport maritime à zéro émission au cours de cette décennie et au-delà.

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Ports Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping (KOREAN version)

우리의 9포인트 플레이북을 통해 항만이 대담한 약속, 진보적인 정책 및 입증 가능한 진전에 중점을 두며 세 가지 노력 전반에 걸쳐 대담한 조치를 취하도록 요구합니다.

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U.S. MARAD Port Infrastructure Development Program

The Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) is a discretionary grant program administered by the U.S. Maritime Administration. Funds for the PIDP are awarded on a competitive basis to projects that improve the safety, efficiency, or reliability of the movement of goods into, out of, around, or within a port.

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U.S. EPA Ports Initiative

EPA’s Ports Initiative works in collaboration with the port industry, communities, and all levels of government to improve environmental performance and increase economic prosperity. This effort helps people living and working near ports across the country breathe cleaner air and live better lives.

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UK legal obligations on international shipping

Emissions from the UK’s international shipping activities make up more than half of the UK’s total maritime emissions. However, the UK is proposing only to regulate emissions from the domestic fleet, stating in the recent Course to Zero consultation that responsibility for regulating international emissions lies with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

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Policy Model: Zero “at berth” (in port) emissions policy – California’s Ocean-Going Vessels At Berth Regulation
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Policy Model: Zero-emission harbor craft policy – California’s Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) Regulation
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Policy Model: City Zero-Emission Shipping Resolution – Los Angeles City Council

The Los Angeles City Council unanimously voted to adopt Councilmember Nithya Raman’s resolution calling on Los Angeles’ top maritime importers to commit to making all port calls to the San Pedro Port Complex, which includes the Port of Los Angeles, on 100% zero-emissions ships by 2030.

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Policy Model: National Zero-Emission Shipping Policy – U.S. Clean Shipping Act 2022

Congressman Alan Lowenthal (D-Calif.), along with original co-sponsor Congresswoman Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.), introduced H.R. 8336, the Clean Shipping Act of 2022. This bill becomes the first stand-alone legislation to zero out pollution from all ocean shipping companies that do business with the United States.

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Policy Model: Port Fee Reduction Program – MPA Singapore’s Green Ship Programme (GSP)

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) Green Ship Programme encourages Singapore-flagged ships to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The program allows qualifying ships to receive a reduction on their Initial Registration Fee (IRF) and a rebate on Annual Tonnage Tax (ATT). Ships that use zero-carbon fuels (such as ammonia and hydrogen) as their primary fuel can apply for 100% reduction on the IRF and a 100% rebate on the ATT until December 31, 2024.

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Policy Model: Speed & Noise Reduction – Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program
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Study: The Climate Implications of Using LNG as a Marine Fuel (The ICCT, Jan 2020)
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Study: Scaling U.S. zero-emission shipping: potential hydrogen demand at Aleutian Islands ports (The ICCT, June 2022)
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Study: Comparing The future demand for, supply of, and life-cycle emissions from bio, synthetic, and fossil LNG marine fuels in the European Union (The ICCT, Sept 2022)
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Study: Liquid hydrogen refueling infrastructure to support a zero-emission U.S.–China container shipping corridor (The ICCT, Oct 2020)
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Study: Refueling assessment of a zero-emission container corridor between China and the United States: could hydrogen replace fossil fuels? (The ICCT, March 2020)
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Report: Shipping industry and ports susceptible to billions of dollars in damage, disruption from climate change (EDF, March 2022)
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Initiative: C40 Green Ports Forum

C40 Cities’ Green Ports Forum initiative connects port cities and ports around the world to take collective action to tackle the climate crisis and decarbonise global supply chains related to ports. The forum currently includes 20 of the world’s leading port cities from every region. The initiative launched the Los Angeles & Long Beach-Shanghai Green Shipping Corridor in 2022.

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Port Action Plan Model: Port of Oslo – a zero-emission port

Oslo is one of the world’s most climate-conscious and environmentally ambitious port cities. By 2030, Oslo will eliminate 95% of greenhouse gas emissions. Port of Oslo will reduce emissions by 85% in the same period, and become emissions-free over the long term.

News + insights

Pacific Environment announces new California climate policy director 

Pacific Environment welcomes Davina Hurt as its new California Climate Policy Director, effective January 30, 2025. Prior to joining Pacific Environment, Davina Hurt was appointed to the California Air Resources Board by Governor Gavin Newsom in December 2020 and served on the board for more than four years. Ms. Hurt is an attorney, two-term councilwoman and past mayor of the City of Belmont, Calif. With expertise in transportation, energy, waste management and stationary sources, Davina Hurt is dedicated to addressing environmental and social challenges through equity, innovation and bold community leadership.

Pacific Environment Celebrates Introduction of Washington Statewide Shore Power Policy Bill

The landmark bill will direct the Department of Ecology to adopt a statewide shore power policy that will accelerate shore power installation across the state to reduce air pollution and other environmental impacts from large vessels at Washington’s ports.

Poison in the water: The call to ban scrubber discharge

The report underscores the substantial environmental and human health costs of unrestricted scrubber use, and highlights the economic, ecological and human health consequences of inaction. Without a ban on the use of scrubbers and the discharge of scrubber wastewater, or a mandate to use cleaner distillate fuels, ecosystems, ocean resources and coastal communities will continue to be threatened and human health risks will increase.

EPA approves partial waiver for commercial harbor craft, clearing the air for millions of Californians and catalyzing technology innovation

This regulation paves the way for zero-emissions harbor craft such as ferries, tugboats and workboats. This rule will significantly improve the air  Californians living by the ports breathe and is yet another action by the state of California to address toxic emissions at the ports.