Sun setting over cargo container storage harbor.
Let's end port + ship pollution.
Join us on our mission!

Ports + Policymakers

Communities + Advocates

Clean ships, healthy future

Together with local communities, allies and partners, Ports for People seeks to transform ports from hotspots of fossil fuel pollution to thriving hubs of sustainable economic development and environmental protection.

Our goals
  1. Stop ports’ fossil fuel build out – Stop new fossil fuel bunkering projects and accelerate port electrification and zero-emission fueling where needed.
  2. Put ships on mandatory zero-emission pathways – Influence ports and port states around the Pacific Rim to implement our 9-point Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping.
  3. Create zero-emission trade routes – Mobilize port pairs to create ZE shipping corridors and advance a common standards and investment framework to verifiably achieve them.
Port of Seattle becomes first U.S. port to require 100% of cruise vessels to use shore power

The Port of Seattle became the first port in the nation to independently require that 100% of all cruise vessels homeported in Seattle be shore power capable and utilize shore power. The order passed by the Port of Seattle Commission yesterday takes effect in the 2027 cruise season, three years before the Port’s previous goal of 2030 of universal shorepower use.   

Organizations to Mayor Bass: Deliver on Campaign Commitments and Champion AQMD’s Clean Port and Rail Rules 

The groups held the “die-in” to highlight the urgency of Mayor Bass championing the Air Quality Management District (AQMD)’s upcoming Port and Rail Indirect Source Rules to cleanup harmful fossil-fueled ship, rail, and port emissions that have adversely affected the health of environmental justice communities in Los Angeles and Long Beach for far too long. The advocates also testified during the city council meeting. 

EPA announces billions of dollars in funding for the Clean Ports Program

EPA is releasing two separate Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) as part of the $3 billion. The nearly $2.8 billion Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition will directly fund zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure to reduce mobile source emissions at U.S. ports. Eligible uses of funding include human-operated and maintained zero-emission cargo handling equipment, harbor craft and other vessels, electric charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure, and a number of other technology investments.

Mayor Hernandez-Thorpe signs first-ever pledge towards a fossil-free Antioch

Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe made a world-leading commitment to reject public investments in new, renewed, fossil fuel infrastructure in Antioch and steer the city toward timely climate mitigation and resilience.