June 01, 2024

Pacific Environment 2024 Grant Application
We are very excited to announce that our 2024 Grant Application is now live. Through this grant opportunity, Pacific Environment aims to fund multi-level organizations, including community-based groups, environmental justice organizations, and environmental organizations.


Pacific Environment 2024 Grant Application 

We are very excited to announce that our 2024 Grant Application is now live. Through this competitive grant, Pacific Environment continues to have the opportunity to provide support to additional organizations and climate champions advocating for our port communities and planet. We aim to prioritize frontline organizations, community-based groups, and environmental justice organizations that are serving and working within communities directly impacted by ship and port pollution.

Please take a look at our Request for Proposals below for complete grant details. Applicants must submit a Letter of Intent by July 31, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST for application consideration. Letter of Intent details and guidelines can be found below. For any inquiries, please contact: cvelasquez@pacificenvironment.org.

Please feel free to share this grant application widely!